نظام الأحزمة

مراجعة ١١:٠٨، ٣ ديسمبر ٢٠١٣ بواسطة JeFo (نقاش | مساهمات) (أنشأ الصفحة ب'__NOTOC__ *New inventory for potions thanks to an innovative belt system, in wich you can craft the belts. *Players at level 50 and above can use the belts as potion sto...')
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  • New inventory for potions thanks to an innovative belt system, in wich you can craft the belts.
  • Players at level 50 and above can use the belts as potion storage
  • Each Belt will have special attributes and can be improved, as it contains sockets as well
  • Any succesfull upgrade of a belt will increase the storage slots for potions up to a maximum of 16 slots
  • The new belts can contain one of the following attributes: increased max. HP, increased max. MP, increased chance to double drop yang, chance for EXP bonus, and Strong Against Monsters
  • Bonus cannot be added to this item
New Inventory With Belt System.png

By clicking the button to expand the belt system inventory will become visible. Expand Belt System Inventory Button.png

Depending on the belt and the level of upgrade of it, the inventory slots can be enabled or disabled.
  • Belt System Enabled Slot.png - Enabled Slot
  • Belt System Disabled Slot.png - Disabled Slot

Here is an example of an inventory with 12 enabled slots and 4 disabled slots
Mixed Belt System Inventory.png

Storable Potions


Storage Slots

Linen Belt up to 6 slots

Leather Belt up to 6 slots

Magnificent Belt up to 9 slots

Belt of Wisdom up to 9 slots

Souls Belt up to 16 slots

Belt Manufacturing

NPC Yu-Hwan


Belt Sockets

Belts, like accessories have sockets for a new item that like ore in accessories increases the belt attributes, this item is produced at NPC Jae-Seon Kim

Upgrading and Stats Information